
What Is a Mouthguard?

Mouth guards are dentil devices made of rubber that protect your teeth and gums. Mouth guards protect your teeth, gums, tongue, and cheeks from the trauma caused by sports injuries.

When Should You Where a Mouthguard?

It is advisable to wear a mouth guard anytime you are sparring or competing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Intense training sessions can lead to accidental knees and elbows to the face, which could, in turn, damage your teeth.

What Are the Different Types of Mouthguards for BJJ and Where Can I Find Them?

Getting a custom-fitted or a boil and bite mouth guard for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is advisable. Both types of these mouth guards conform to your individual jaw and teeth profile.

Custom-Fitted Mouth Guards

Custom-fit mouth guards use a mold impression to cast your exact jaw and teeth profile. This is then used to make a mouth guard. Custom-fit mouth guards offer the best fit and protection of all mouth guards but come with a high price. If you are looking for a custom-fit mouth guard talk to your dentist.

Boil and Fit Mouth Guards

Boil and bite mouth guards use thermoplastic that is heated and then bit in by the wearer; this causes the plastic to adhere to the user's teeth. Boil and bite mouth guards are bulkier than custom-fit mouth guards but are much cheaper. You can purchase one on Amazon.

Our Pick.

Shock Doctor Pro Mouth Guard (Buy Via Amazon)

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