BJJ Beginner's Guide

This guide is designed to answer your most basic Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) questions. Each question has a short answer, you can click the link for a more in-depth explanation.

What Is BJJ?

BJJ, short for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, is a grappling-based martial art. It's a cousin of other ground-based grappling sports including kendo and wrestling. BJJ emphasizes the use of technique (over raw strength and power) to defend, control, and submit opponents.  

Click here to learn more about BJJ.

How Do I Start Learning BJJ?

Sign up for a class at a gym. The best way to start learning Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is to find a gym close to you and sign up for a class. Most gyms will offer you a free class to start learning jiu-jitsu. 

Click here to learn more tips before starting BJJ.

What Does OSS Mean in BJJ?

Oss mean anything and everything. It's a term used in BJJ and other martial arts circles to greet each other.  OSS is seen as a way to convey respect, encouragement, and response with just one word. Click here to learn more about OSS.

How Much Do BJJ Classes Cost?

$100-$200 per month. This may seem a lot if you're comparing this to the cost of a traditional gym. However, keep in mind that you are being taught a new skill with a live teacher. Jiu-jitsu should not just be viewed as physical fitness, but also a skill that requires guided instruction from an experienced teacher. Click here to learn more about costs for BJJ classes.

What to Wear for BJJ?

For gi-specific classes, a gi, for no-gi classes, shorts and a rashguard. Gi-specific and no-gi classes have different rule sets so different attire is optimal. Click here to learn about the best attire for gi and no-gi jiu-jitsu. 

What is No-Gi BJJ?

No-Gi BJJ is a variation of BJJ in which you do not wear a gi (kimono) and you do not grab the clothing. Traditional BJJ is practiced in the gi and grabbing the gi clothing is a major part of the sport. You can use the gi to choke or control your opponent. No-gi BJJ is a variation of BJJ in which you do not use the gi to choke or control your opponent.

Click here to learn more about no-gi BJJ.

What is a Gi? 

A gi is a lightweight, loose-fitting garment consisting of pants, a jacket, and a belt to tie the jacket. A gi is used in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ), judo, and other martial arts. The purpose of the gi is to provide durable clothing that can be grabbed and used to manipulate your opponent. The gi is a fundamental part of traditional jiu-jitsu; however, no-gi jiu-Jistu is practiced without the gi.

Click here to learn more about gis.

How Long Does It Take to Learn BJJ? 

About 2 years for a blue belt, 4 for a purple, 6 for a brown, and 8 years for a black belt. However, results will vary! This is just an estimate based on an individual who consistently trains 3-5 times per week. The time could differ me more if you train sporadically, or less if you train 24/7. Read 'How Long Does It Take to Get Each Belt' for more.

How Often Should I Train BJJ? 

For beginners, 3 times per week is a good starting point. Jiu-jitsu is extremely fun and a good self-defense skill to learn. However, it can be taxing on the body, especially for beginners. Training three times a week while taking a day off between training sessions is a good starting point. Click here to learn more. 

Why Should I Train BJJ? 

Self-defense, fitness, and fun. These three are among many reasons to start training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). Every individual has their own reasoning as to why they want to train BJJ. Click here for the best reasons.

What Should I Know Before My First Class? 

Proper hygiene, etiquette, what to wear, and class procedures. Before going to your first class, you want to make sure that you practice good hygiene, follow your gym's etiquette (and BJJ etiquette), and know the procedures. Click here to learn more. 

What Is BJJ Open Mat? 

Open means that the gym is open for use, but there is not a scheduled class. Open mats are a time when you are free to practice what you want at the gym. As there is no class, you can drill techniques, spar, or work on your fitness. Click here to learn more. 

How Hard Is BJJ? 

Learning BJJ is hard and a lot of work, but that doesn't meet it's not enjoyable. BJJ is challenging in many aspects.  Click here to learn more. 

What Is Flow Rolling? 

Flow rolling is a lighter and less competitive method of sparring than regular rolling (sparring). Flow rolling allows you and your partner to practice techniques on each other without a full defense. Click here to learn more about flow rolling. 

How Do You Tie a Gi Belt?

That question is best answered with a video. Watch the following video for a quick demo of how to do it. If you're looking for a more in-depth explanation, click for a more in-depth article and video demonstration.

What Is a Fundamentals Class? 

A fundamentals class focuses on the core techniques that every Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner should know. Every school varies, but a fundamentals class will typically be shorter than a mixed-level class. Generally, it is recommended that absolute beginners start in a fundamentals class before going to more advanced classes. Click here to learn more about fundamentals classes. 

What Is a Mixed Levels Class? 

A mixed levels class focuses on more advanced techniques than a fundamentals class, often times combining two complementary techniques for an advanced sequence of moves. These classes tend to test individuals in a more advanced way than a fundamentals class. Click here to learn more about mixed levels classes. 

What Is the Best Age to Start Training BJJ? 

Kids can start training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as early as four years old. Younger kids will focus more on physical awareness and socializing. For adults, the best age to start training is now.

Click here for more details.