
from Back Mount

Image Above: The gold-colored character represents the defensive position of the back mount position. The defensive player has their opponent's leg hooks around their hips. Their opponent controls the back with seatbelt control, having one arm above the shoulder and one arm below the shoulder.

Counterattacks from Back Mount

If the offensive player makes a mistake by crossing their ankles. The defensive player can counterattack.

Lesson 8 [Blue Belts and Up Only]: Leg Locks from Defensive Back Mount

Warning: Leg locks are dangerous for your opponent. Make sure you understand the dangers of attempting leg locks before attempting any leg lock technique. 

If your opponent crosses their feet while maintaining back control, you can go for a defensive ankle lock. These are very dangerous for your opponent so make sure the pressure is slow and controlled.

Watch YouTube Video: Three Leg Locks for When Your Opponent Has Your Back