Want to improve your Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) game? Whether you're a novice white belt on an experience upper belt, BJJ.University provides the best media in one place. This allows you to turn to BJJ.University as a comprehensive resource for improving your Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

BJJ.University provides a comprehensive and systematic way of learning. BJJ.University provides structure to your learning. Find everything that you need to know about a position compiled on one page. Each page is broken into a defensive and offensive section, allowing you to see what options you and your opponent have immediately - along with video instructables for handling these situations.

Benefit by improving faster and fixing the holes in your game. With this systematic and efficient way of learning, you can improve your game one position at a time. You'll quickly learn what you can do to improve upon any situation - and you'll see options that you might not have even known existed.

Click on a position below to get started. BJJ.University is simple and straightforward. Choose a position to learn everything you need to know. 

The Best Jiu-Jitsu Resource on the Internet

BJJ.University is a great resource for those looking to learn jiu-jitsu, but who don't have the time or energy to go through the process of trying to weed out low-quality content. This website provides free high-quality educational resources that are easy to understand and follow.

The 18 most important questions that you will need to be answered before you start your jiu-jitsu journey.

There are countless positions in jiu-jitsu. BJJ.University has nailed down the 8 most important positions.

Whether you prefer gi or no-gi we have your covered. We cover all of the gear you may need along with which items are the best.

Belt System

Like any other martial art. Jiu-jitsu has a belt system. The jiu-jitsu belt system has five adult belts and 13 kids belts. We cover the belts and progression.

Featured Post: Back Mount Position

Back mount (also known as 'rear mount' or 'back control') is a position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in which the offensive player controls the back of the defensive player. In Jiu-Jitsu, the most common way for the offensive player to control the back is with seatbelt control, which involves having one arm underneath your opponent's shoulder (underhook) and the opposite arm above your opponent's opposite shoulder (overhook). In this position, the offensive player is highly dominant, and the defensive player is highly disadvantaged.